Do uniforms make school better? - Do uniforms make school better? นิยาย Do uniforms make school better? : - Writer

    Do uniforms make school better?










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    อัปเดตล่าสุด :  6 พ.ค. 58 / 22:33 น.


    School Uniforms make school better













    Mint   Rungrussamec













    5 May 2015



    English I – 1st hour


    Mrs. Cole







    Do uniform make school better?

    Do school uniforms help curb violence? foster a better learning environment or promote discipline in students? Many people think so and are pushing schools to require them.

    Opinions about uniforms and dress codes vary about as much as the reasons for having them -- parents seem to love them and students seem to tolerate them at best. Nevertheless, many schools have despite students' expressed concerns about their freedom of speech.

    For the past decade, schools, parents and students have clashed over the issue of regulating student attire. In 2007, cases involving an anti-Bush T-shirt in Vermont, an anti-gay T-shirt in San Diego and Tigger socks in Napa, California, made their way through the courts, causing many to wonder whether this debate will ever be resolved.

    Meanwhile, researchers are divided over how much of an impact - if any - dress policies have upon student learning. A 2004 book makes the case that uniforms do not improve school safety or academic discipline. A 2005 study, on the other hand, indicates that in some Ohio high schools uniforms may have improved graduation and attendance rates, although no improvements were observed in academic performance.

    It touches on issues of school improvement, freedom of expression and the "culture wars." So schools should require students to wear uniform for the benefit of their students.






    According to figures released in 2014 by the National Center for Education Statistics, the total number of public schools nationwide requiring students to wear school uniforms increased from 13% during the 2003-2004 school year to 19% during the 2011-2012 school year. In 2011-2012, 20% of public elementary schools enforced a uniform policy, while 12% of secondary schools (7-12) and 30% of combined schools required uniforms. A higher proportion of schools located in cities had mandatory uniforms in 2011-2012 than schools in suburban, town, and rural areas. Mandatory uniforms were far more prevalent in "high-poverty" schools (in which 76% of students were eligible for reduced-cost or free lunch programs) than in "low-poverty" schools.

    Among the US cities with the highest use of school uniforms in public schools are Philadelphia (100% of schools), New Orleans (95%), Cleveland (85%), Chicago (80%), Boston (65%), and Miami (60%). The number of schools with "strict dress codes" has also increased, from 47% in 2000 to 57% in 2010.

    The Long Beach Unified School District in California voted to mandate uniform wear in order to reduce gang identification. It had become dangerous and violent to attend school there. This program seems to have effectively decreased gang violence in the district. Children are no longer identified by their "colors." Uniform dress alleviated the feelings of imminent danger for students who were afraid they might inadvertently dress in gang colors.

    School Uniforms bring safety back to the school halls

    In today's schools, adolescents are killing each other over designer jackets and expensive sneakers. With school uniforms, incidents of theft and assault are down. Uniforms help eliminate violent crimes.

    Uniforms have resulted in declining truancy and increased attendance

    Another positive effect of uniform dress codes has been reported upgrades of overall attendance records.

    One major reason is given: The student who felt uncomfortable going to school because others made fun of the way he looked and dressed feels more at ease. Children from lower economic brackets may no longer feel inferior and may be more eager to attend school when they feel more equal to everyone else.


    On the other hand, some people say that students wearing uniform cannot express their individuality. This point has some positive on the surface. However, schools are place for study. And, uniform must be worn only at school. Students can wear whatever they like outside of the classroom.


    In conclusion, wearing school uniform brings many benefits. Studies show that students act more responsibly and learn better when they wear uniform. So schools should require students to wear uniform for the benefit of their students.




     SchoScl sdrfgv make school better













    Mint   Rungrussamec













    5 May 2015



    English I – 1st hour


    Mrs. Cole



     niforms make school better













    Mint   Rungrussamec













    5 May 2015



    English I – 1st hour


    Mrs. Cole

     Uniforms make school better













    Mint   Rungrussamec













    5 May 2015



    English I – 1st hour


    Mrs. Cole


    orms make school better













    Mint   Rungrussamec













    5 May 2015



    English I – 1st hour


    Mrs. Cole




    • เลื่อนอัตโนมัติ


      Do uniform make school better?

      Do school uniforms help curb violence? foster a better learning environment or promote discipline in students? Many people think so and are pushing schools to require them.

      Opinions about uniforms and dress codes vary about as much as the reasons for having them -- parents seem to love them and students seem to tolerate them at best. Nevertheless, many schools have despite students' expressed concerns about their freedom of speech.

      For the past decade, schools, parents and students have clashed over the issue of regulating student attire. In 2007, cases involving an anti-Bush T-shirt in Vermont, an anti-gay T-shirt in San Diego and Tigger socks in Napa, California, made their way through the courts, causing many to wonder whether this debate will ever be resolved.

      Meanwhile, researchers are divided over how much of an impact - if any - dress policies have upon student learning. A 2004 book makes the case that uniforms do not improve school safety or academic discipline. A 2005 study, on the other hand, indicates that in some Ohio high schools uniforms may have improved graduation and attendance rates, although no improvements were observed in academic performance.

      It touches on issues of school improvement, freedom of expression and the "culture wars." So schools should require students to wear uniform for the benefit of their students.






      According to figures released in 2014 by the National Center for Education Statistics, the total number of public schools nationwide requiring students to wear school uniforms increased from 13% during the 2003-2004 school year to 19% during the 2011-2012 school year. In 2011-2012, 20% of public elementary schools enforced a uniform policy, while 12% of secondary schools (7-12) and 30% of combined schools required uniforms. A higher proportion of schools located in cities had mandatory uniforms in 2011-2012 than schools in suburban, town, and rural areas. Mandatory uniforms were far more prevalent in "high-poverty" schools (in which 76% of students were eligible for reduced-cost or free lunch programs) than in "low-poverty" schools.

      Among the US cities with the highest use of school uniforms in public schools are Philadelphia (100% of schools), New Orleans (95%), Cleveland (85%), Chicago (80%), Boston (65%), and Miami (60%). The number of schools with "strict dress codes" has also increased, from 47% in 2000 to 57% in 2010.

      The Long Beach Unified School District in California voted to mandate uniform wear in order to reduce gang identification. It had become dangerous and violent to attend school there. This program seems to have effectively decreased gang violence in the district. Children are no longer identified by their "colors." Uniform dress alleviated the feelings of imminent danger for students who were afraid they might inadvertently dress in gang colors.

      School Uniforms bring safety back to the school halls

      In today's schools, adolescents are killing each other over designer jackets and expensive sneakers. With school uniforms, incidents of theft and assault are down. Uniforms help eliminate violent crimes.

      Uniforms have resulted in declining truancy and increased attendance

      Another positive effect of uniform dress codes has been reported upgrades of overall attendance records.

      One major reason is given: The student who felt uncomfortable going to school because others made fun of the way he looked and dressed feels more at ease. Children from lower economic brackets may no longer feel inferior and may be more eager to attend school when they feel more equal to everyone else.


      On the other hand, some people say that students wearing uniform cannot express their individuality. This point has some positive on the surface. However, schools are place for study. And, uniform must be worn only at school. Students can wear whatever they like outside of the classroom.


      In conclusion, wearing school uniform brings many benefits. Studies show that students act more responsibly and learn better when they wear uniform. So schools should require students to wear uniform for the benefit of their students.


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